Development of online shops
With ABVISCO E-COMMERCE you get a professional and advanced online shop including shopping app for iOS + Andriod.
Our services include the design, planning, programming, design, installation, input of all product data and photos, access to payment and inventory management systems, test phase, and finally the transfer of your online store within a few weeks. Multiple award-winning Store Systems – Made in Germany!
Onlineshop APP / Mobile-Commerce
Do you have questions or you need a personal consultation? Contact Us: +49 (0)408 0908 1132 (Mo.- Fr.) or on Facebook: Absolute Visual Communication
Advertise, inform and sell around the clock, every day and everywhere. With their web store you open new markets and target groups – regardless of time and place. We carefully select the exact match for your business constellation of shop software (Shopware, OXID, Magento, XT:Commerce, etc), Configuration (Interfaces to ERP systems and fulfillment company) and payment system (Credit Card, Paypal, Moneybookers, debit, bank transfer, account, etc). And of course we care about regular performance measurement and optimization. Contact us!